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Games - Fivestones

The Rules

Play can be against oneself or others. If against others, choose a number of 'lives' for each player. Then work through the trick sequences 1-4. If you fail any trick at any stage you loose a life and, your turn ends and you return to the beginning of the sequence you are on when your turn comes round again. For example, if you fail at reverse twos, you would start again at reverse jockey (beginning of sequence 2) not all the way back at jockey.

The advanced tricks can be used to settle draws or just for entertainment. If playing for fun, attempt the sequences in any order, it makes good practice.

Basic Tricks

Sequence One

Hold all the stones in the palm of one hand. Throw them into the air and catch them on the back of the same hand. Throw them up again and catch them in the palm of the hand.

If you have caught all fivestones go to Twos.
If you catch some stones, go to Ones.
If you catch none your turn ends.

Throw the five stones onto the floor. Pick the cast and throw this into the air. Whilst in flight, pick up one other stone, and catch the cast, all with the same hand. Repeat, picking the other stones, one with each cast.

Same as ones except; pick two stones with each cast.

Threes (Horse and Cart)
Same as ones except; pick one stone on the first cast (the horse), and three on the second (the cart).

Same as ones except pick all four stones in one cast.

Hold all the stones in the palm of your hand. Throw them in the air and catch them on the back of the same hand. Cast them all again and catch in the palm of the hand. If you catch all five, well done you have completed the first sequence, go to the second sequence. If you catch none, your turn ends, go back to the start of sequence one. Otherwise, throw all the stones in your hand into the air and pick one off the floor, catch all the thrown stones in the same hand. Repeat until you have all fivestones in your hand, well done you have completed the first sequence, go to the second sequence. If you catch no stones then, your turn ends, go back to the start of sequence one.

Sequence Two

Reverse Jockey
Hold all the stones on the back of one hand. Throw them into the air and catch them in the palm of the same hand. Throw them up again and catch them on the back of the same hand.

If you have caught all fivestones go to Reverse Twos.
If you caught some stones, go to Reverse Ones.
If you caught none your turn ends, go to the start of Sequence Two.

Reverse Ones
Take all the stones and the cast in the throwing hand. Throw the cast and whilst in flight place one stone from the hand onto the ground, catch the cast. Repeat with the other stones.

Reverse Twos
As reverse ones except on the first cast place two stones on the ground. On the second cast place the other pair.

Reverse Threes
As reverse ones except on the first cast place one stone, on the second place three.

Reverse Fours
As reverse ones except that all four stones are placed on the first cast.

Start with all the stones in the palm of your hand. Throw them into the air and catch them on the back of your hand. If you catch none your turn ends, start at the beginning of sequence two.

If you catch two, three or four stones on the back of your hand, leave them there whilst you pick up the dropped stones between the fingers of that hand, only one stone between any two fingers. Then, throw the stones from the back of your hand and catch them in your palm, manoeuvre the stones that are between the fingers into your palm, without using your other hand or dropping any stones. If during this any stones are dropped, your turn ends and start again at the beginning of sequence 2.

If you had caught all five on the back of your hand, throw them in the air again and try to catch them in your palm. To move on to sequence three you must catch all five, otherwise your turn ends and start at the beginning of sequence two.

Sequence Three

Swooping Jockey
(The swooping sequence are sometimes called flycatchers)
Hold all the stones in the palm of one hand. Throw them into the air and catch them on the back of the same hand. Throw them up again and catch them in the palm of the hand by swooping down on them (hawk fashion), not but cupping the palm.

If you have caught all fivestones go to Twos.
If you catch some stones, go to Ones.
If you catch none your turn ends.

Swooping Ones
Throw the stones onto the floor. Throw the cast and whilst in flight pick one stone. Catch the cast in the same hand by swooping down on it from above. Repeat with the other stones.

Swooping Twos
Same as swooping ones except on each throw of the cast pick two stones.

Swooping Threes
Same as swooping ones except on the first throw of the cast pick one stone, on the second throw pick the remaining three.

Swooping Fours
Same as swooping ones except pick all four stones on one throw of the cast.

Throw the fivestones to the floor. Near to the stones, spread out the fingers and thumb of your none throwing hand, so that the fingertips are touching the floor and the palm is raised. The space between the four fingers now represents four stables. Throw the cast into the air. Before catching it, in the same hand, knock or move a stone into one of the stables. Repeat with the other stones.

Move the stable hand away and throw the cast, whilst in flight, pick up all four stones and then catch the cast, all in the same hand. If this is done without dropping any stones well done, move onto sequence four. If any stones are dropped your turn ends, start again at the beginning of sequence three.

Sequence Four

Throw all the stones into the air and catch them on the back of your hand. Throw them again and catch them in your palm. If you catch all five then go straight to Ones Under The Arches. If you catch none your turn ends, return to start of sequence four. Otherwise, keep all the stones you caught in your hand.

Work one of the stones to between your fore finger and thumb, close your palm over the rest. Throw the single stone into the air, pick up one stone from the floor and then catch the thrown stone. Repeat this sequence until you have picked all the fallen stones. If you drop a stone at any time your turn ends return to the start of sequence four.

Ones under the Arch
Throw the stones onto the floor and then make an arch near them with your non throwing hand using your thumb and forefinger. Throw one stone into the air and whilst it is in flight, knock one stone through the arch and then catch the thrown stone. Repeat this until you knocked all four stones under the arch.

Twos under the Arch
As ones under the arches except on each throw of the cast knock two stones under the arch.

Threes under the Arch
Knock three stones under the arch on the first cast; knock one under the arch on the second cast.

Fours under the Arch
On the throw of the cast, knock all four stones under the arch.

Toad in the Hole
Throw the stones onto the floor. With your none throwing hand, join your forefinger and thumb together to make a hole. Put this near the stones. Throw one stone into the air and before catching it pick up one stone and drop it into the hole. Repeat this with the other stones, until all four have been dropped into the hole.

Take away your none throwing hand and throw the signal stone into the air, whilst in flight pick up all the four stones and then catch the cast. Well done you have completed sequence four.

Advanced Tricks

Corner Squares
Scratch a square with about 30cm (12") edges into the ground. Throw four stones into the square. On the throw of the cast move one stone to a corner of the square before catching the cast, all with the same hand. Repeat with the other stones.

Square Sweep
Place the four stones at the corners of a square scratched into the ground about 30 cm (12") apart. Throw the cast, pick all four stones and catch the cast in the same hand.

Four Square
Place the stones at the corners a square scratched into the ground about 30cm (12") apart. Throw the cast and pick up one of the stones, catch the cast in the same hand. Throw the picked stone and place the original cast into the empty place in the square, catch the thrown stone. Repeat this process working round the square exchanging the stones.

Pairs in Line
Place four stones in a straight line about 15cm (6") apart. The first and third in line must be picked on the first cast, these are then replaced. The second and forth in line are picked on the second cast. On the third cast all four stones are picked.

Trotting Donkeys
Same as Four square except the stones start in a line about 15cm (6") apart.

Snake in the grass
Put four stones in a straight line about 15cm (6") apart. On the throw of the cast, the first stone must be snaked through the others as shown below, without touching any other stone. The cast must be caught in the throwing hand.

Diagram of the snake-in-the-grass trick

To make this easier the following versions can be used:

a: Use two throws of the cast. On the first throw, move the stone along the route of the solid arrow. On the second throw, move the stone back to its original position, following the route of the dotted arrow.

b: Any number of throws of the cast can be used. The first stone must be moved along the route at least a little way each throw and the cast must be caught each time.

Throw the stones to the ground. Throw the cast and whilst in flight, pick one stone, catch the cast in the same hand. These two stones then become the cast, so throw both and whilst in flight, pick one stone and catch the two casts. These three then become the cast, throw all three and whilst in flight pick one stone, catch the three casts all in the same hand. These four then become the cast, throw them all, and whilst in flight pick the final stone, catch all the stones in the same hand. Well done!